Transformasi Pembelajaran Kosakata Bahasa Jerman Melalui Aplikasi Quizlet
: Quizlet application, German VocabularyAbstract
The objectives of this research are to find out (1) a significant difference of achievements in the teaching of the German vocabulary among the grade XI students of SMA St. Fransiskus Xaverius Ruteng between students who tought by using Quizlet and those who tought conventional media, and (2) the effectiveness the use of Quizlet media in learning German vocabulary. This study is a type of quasi experiment research. The variables of this study consists of two variables: Quizlet as independent variabel, and the German vocabulary as dependent variabel. The research data is obtained from German vocabulary test of students in pre- and posttest. The sampling technique is using simple random sampling. Based on the sampling technique, 25 students of XI IBB 2 are taken as the experiment class and 25 students of XI IBB 1 are taken as the control class. The analysis of this research data using T-test. The results of this research data by using T-test produced the tcount 2,158 was lower than ttable 2,009 with the significance level 0,05. These showed that there were significant difference of achievement in the German vocabulary between the control class and the experiment class. The effectiveness of this research was 5,57%. The average value of experiment class was 81,44 which higher than average value of control class that was 78,08. This it can be concluded that Quizlet is more effective in the teaching for the German vocabulary.
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