Risk Analysis of Occupational Safety and Health in the Mechanical Engineering Workshop Room at SMK Taman Siswa 2 Jakarta Using the HIRARC (Hazard Identification, Risk Assessment, and Risk Control) Method


  • Trriyono
  • Riska Kurnia Widyakusuma Putri RKK UNJ
  • Fikri Azhar Fire Material and Safety Laboratory, Jakarta State University, Indonesia
  • Himawan Hadi Sutrisno
  • Jafar Amiruddin
  • Nugroho Gama Yoga

Kata Kunci:

Occupational Safety and Health, Risk Analysis, Risk Level



Occupational safety and health is very necessary in the work environment. Many people are not aware of the occupational safety and health risks that exist in the work environment. Therefore, it is necessary to carry out a risk analysis in order to know the risks that occur in the environment. This study conducted an analysis of occupational safety and health risks in a machining engineering workshop at SMK Taman Siswa 2 Jakarta. This research is a descriptive study with a qualitative approach with a case study method that obtains data through observation, interviews, and photo documentation of the condition of  the machining engineering workshop. Data analysis used the Miles and Huberman model analysis technique, namely by reducing data, presenting data, and drawing conclusions or verification. From this study, 41 hazards were identified with 24 low risk hazards, 11 moderate risk hazards, and 6 high risk hazards. Risk control in the workshop consists of 26 planned risk control measures and 10 unplanned risk control measures. The researcher suggests that the management of SMK Taman Siswa 2 Jakarta can carry out internal audits and scale checks by paying attention to the OHS culture in the machining workshop area by involving all workshop users, namely the head of the workshop, teachers, technicians, and students.

Key Words: Occupational Safety and Health, Risk Analysis, Risk Level.

