Analysis of The Reliability Level of The Fire System in M.Syafe'i Building


  • Himawan Hadi Sutrisno
  • Aditya Fadhlurrahman
  • Ricko Jonathan Fire Material and Safety Laboratory, Jakarta State University, Indonesia
  • Triyono
  • Catur Setyawan Kusumohadi
  • Ja'far Amiruddin
  • Pratomo Setyadi

Kata Kunci:

Development, Protection System, M.Syafe'i, Building



       This study aims to determine the level of reliability of the fire protection system in the M. Syafe'i Building, Jakarta State University. The construction of buildings in the city of DKI Jakarta is increasing. Rapid development must be supported by a high protection system to respond to fire hazards. The protection system cannot be separated from the construction of the building, therefore the fire protection system must be planned from the beginning along with the planning of the construction of the building itself. Data was collected by means of observation and interviews as well as documentation. Based on the results of field analysis using the Building Safety System Reliability Value, it can be determined that the M.Syafe'i Building at the State University of Jakarta is in a good condition, however, the manager of the M.Syafe'i Building UNJ must pay attention to routine maintenance so that the fire protection system can be used. running as well as function properly.



keywords: Development, Protection System, M.Syafe'i . Building

