Hydrant Pillar Installation According To NFPA 14 At The Sales Office Of PT. Xyz

  • Muhammad Ammar Zahran Universitas Negeri Jakarta


The Sales Area Manager Bandung office, which is located in the city of Bandung, is one of the work locations that cover the
working area of Bandung and its surroundings. This Sales Area Office was built in the 90s, but originally functioned as a TNI
office. In 2017 the new office was moved to PT. XYZ. However, when I made field observations. The fire protection conditions
installed in the building are only Light Fire Extinguishers. Even though SNI and NFPA explain that a building with an area of
more than 500 m2 must have a hydrant pillar installation, while a sales office with an area of 1,827 m2 only has active fire
protection in the form of a Light Fire Extinguisher or APAR. Therefore, this report contains planning and analysis of the pillar
hydrant system and water requirements for extinguishing the hydrant used in the Sales Area Manager Office Building located in
the city of Bandung. With planning referring to the NFPA 14 standard, this research was conducted by observing the Marketing
Office of PT. XYZ which is located in Bandung City in April-March 2022. Observation data processing was carried out at the
Fire Safety Engineering Study Program, Faculty of Engineering, Jakarta State University in June-August 2022. From the design
results, pillar hydrants have been installed, it can be written that the capacity of the extinguishing media used needed to
overcome the fire in the sales area management building is 85,171 liters of water. Based on NFPA 14 for building sales area
management, the number of pillars needed to protect the building from fire hazards is 5 pieces. The pump power required for the
installation of a hydrant pillar is 12.54 hp. Installation of pipes used above the ground and around the building.
Keywords: Hydrant, NFPA 14, Pipe, Pump
