Analyzing Sociolla Electronic Commerce Repurchase Intentions with Customer Satisfaction as a Mediator

  • Syadela Novitasari Universitas Negeri Jakarta
  • Kaneshia Achmadi Universitas Negeri Jakarta
  • Osly Usman Universitas Negeri Jakarta
Keywords: User Interface, User Experience, E-Service Quality, Customer Satisfaction, Repurchase Intention


This study examines the factors that influence recurrent purchases on Sociolla E-Commerce, paying particular attention to e-service quality, user interface, and user experience. The purpose of the study is to ascertain how these factors affect customer satisfaction and, in turn, repurchase intentions. The study uses a quantitative, explanatory method with purposive sampling and applies the Partial Least Square (PLS-SEM) technique for data analysis. The empirical results highlight the critical roles that user experience and e-service quality play in influencing customer perceptions by showing a considerable impact on customer satisfaction. Still, the user interface has a relatively small effect on client satisfaction. The significant function that customer satisfaction plays as a mediator between the independent and dependent variables in this analysis is worth mentioning. Remarkably, neither user experience nor e-service quality appear to be significantly correlated with repurchase intentions. This insightful discovery implies that a customer's inclination to repurchase is influenced by a variety of elements that extend beyond the immediate experience domain. The Sociolla Company, marketers, and researchers are all affected by these findings, which call for a deeper investigation into the nuances of client repurchase intentions. To maximize Sociolla E-Commerce's operational effectiveness and competitive positioning in the market, a deep comprehension of the relationships between different influencing elements and consumer happiness is essential.

How to Cite
Syadela Novitasari, Kaneshia Achmadi, & Osly Usman. (2024). Analyzing Sociolla Electronic Commerce Repurchase Intentions with Customer Satisfaction as a Mediator. International Student Conference on Business, Education, Economics, Accounting, and Management (ISC-BEAM), 1(1), 53 - 75.