• Prapti Wirahayu


Abstract: The Government through the Ministry of Education and Culture continues to monitor and
improve the weaknesses found in the national education.Based on the observations of investigators
including teaching and learning in SDN Pohwates I still showing low result, it is because the students
havingless motivation in learning, methods that are less suited to the child's condition, and also the
inadequate environment. So it needs to find a learning method that can generate motivation and
interest of students in the classroom. With a fun method students can play an active role in the
learning process that increasethe learning outcomes. It can be done by various method, one of them
are Discussion of Information Method.This study aims to determine student’s motivation on the
subjects of Citizenship Education after the applied methods Discussion of Information.This research
was conducted in primary school of SD Negeri Pohwates I at 2016/2017 academic year, in the first
semester of the sixth grade consist of 10 students. Where researchers perform duties as teachers of
sixth grade as well as the principal. Materials studied in this research is System of Government
Affairs from Civics. This study was conducted over 2 months, October to November 2016. Through
Discussion of Information, the influence on motivation and student achievement through students' test
results are cycles prior to the study were: 64.0, Cycle 1 were: 73.0 and cycle 2 is: 85.0 (very good).

Keywords: methods discussion of Information, learning motivation

Abstrak: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui motivasi belajar siswa kelas VI SD Negeri
Pohwates I Kecamatan Kepohbaru Kabupaten Bojonegoro tahun pelajaran 2016/2017 pada mata
pelajaran Pendidikan Kewarganegaraan setelah diterapkan metode Diskusi Informasi.Penelitian ini
tepatnya dilakukan di SD Negeri Pohwates I Kecamatan Kepohbaru Kabupaten Bojonegoro tahun
pelajaran 2016/2017, pada siswa kelas VI semester I yang berjumlah 10 siswa. Dimana peneliti
melaksanakan tugas sebagai guru pengajar kelas VI serta sebagai Kepala Sekolah. Materi yang
dipelajari pada penelitian ini adalah mata pelajaran PKn pokok bahasan Sistem Pemerintahan RI.
Penelitian ini dilaksanakan selama 2 bulan yaitu bulan Oktober sampai bulan Nopember 2016.
Melalui kegiatan Diskusi Informasi berpengaruh pada motivasi dan prestasi belajar siswa melalui
hasil tes belajar siswa yaitu siklus sebelum penelitian adalah : 64,0, siklus 1 adalah : 73,0 dan siklus 2
adalah : 85,0 (sangat baik).

Kata kunci: diskusi informasi, motivasi belajar.
