Peristiwa Kerusuhan Mei 1998: Sebuah Gambaran Pengampunan Para Korban


  • Naomi Gomar Fakultas Psikologi, Universitas Pelita Harapan
  • Eunike Mutiara Himawan Fakultas Psikologi, Universitas Pelita Harapan



victims of the riots, May 1998, Chinese Indonesians, forgiveness


More than two decades have passed, and the events of the May 1998 riots have left trauma and fear in the victims up until this day. One of the consequences is there is a shifting view and behavior between Chinese Indonesians and Pribumi (Indigenous) community. Based on previous research, it was found that forgiveness could increase individual prosocial tendencies and be able to cope with trauma, especially in cases of racial violence trauma. Therefore, this research was conducted to find out about the forgiveness of the direct victims of the May 1998 riots. This study used a phenomenological approach with thematic analysis, with data collection methods in the form of interviews with three participants who were victims of the May 1998 riots. The data obtained from the interviews were then processed using the thematic analysis method. From the results of the study, it was found that the three participants had the determination to forgive the perpetrators and not to blame the Indigenous ethnicity for the riots that occurred, even though there were still shifting in the feelings and behavior of the Chinese ethnic towards the PribumiIndonesians as a result of the May 1998 riots.


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