Kurikulum Pendidikan di SD dan SMA Pada Masa Orde Baru

  • Andi Tati
Keywords: Education New Orde


The new order lasts from 1968 to 1998 , and can be regarded as the era of national development . In the field of development of education , especially primary education , there is a significant leap in the presence of Presidential Decree (Presidential Instruction) Basic Education . The implementation of education in the new order turned out to be many obstacles , because the new order brings educational ideology of “ uniformity “ that compress the progress in the field of education . In the new order of educational equality in education can not be created because the elements dominating and submissive still very strong in the education pattern of the new order.

How to Cite
Tati, A. (2017). Kurikulum Pendidikan di SD dan SMA Pada Masa Orde Baru. Jurnal Pendidikan Sejarah, 4(2), 89 - 102. https://doi.org/10.21009/JPS.042.09