Work Life Balance, Career Development, Organizational Commitment, Employee EngagementAbstract
The purpose of this study is to find out the commitment of Japanise DKI Restaurant employees as measured by Work Life Balance, Carer Development and mediated by Employee Engagement. The method used was descriptive and explanatory with a population of 120 respondents and a sample of 104 people was taken randomly and the data was obtained by distributing questionnaires
The data obtained was processed with SPSS software, Lisrel and Path analysis. The results of the processing and analysis show that
- Work Life Balance has a significant effect on Employee Engagement with a path coefficient of 0.402
- Career Development has a significant effect on Employee Engagement with a path coefficient of 0.497
- Work Life Balance has no significant effect on Organizational Commitment with a path coefficient of -0.038
- Career Development has a significant effect on Organizational Commitment with a path coefficient of 0.286
- Employee Engagement has a significant effect on Organizational Commitment with a path coefficient of 0.444
- Work Life Balance has a significant effect on Organizational Commitment through Employee Engagement with a path coefficient of 0.178
Career Development has a significant effect on Organizational Commitment through Employee Engagement with a path coefficient of 0.221
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