Implementation of Contextual Learning in Memorizing Alquran


  • Siti Ansoriyah Universitas Negeri Jakarta



Reading, Contextual learning, Memory


Reading and comprehending Al Quran is an obligation for Moslem as Al Quran is a guide for living. Some Moslem even put their effort to memorize the Al Quran. However, it requires certain processes and guidance in memorizing Al Quran. There a lot of methods in learning and memorizing the Al Quran implemented. Contextual teaching and learning which gives context/meaning in the learning process contribute to the process for students in memorizing Al Quran. As contextual teaching and learning provide students with more information such as history, messages, and meaning of the surah they are going to memorize. By knowing the blessing contained in the surah, students would be more motivated and the memory will linger in their memory.  


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How to Cite

Siti Ansoriyah. “Implementation of Contextual Learning in Memorizing Alquran”. Jurnal Studi Al-Qur’an 16, no. 2 (July 30, 2020): 197–212. Accessed March 9, 2025.