PENGALAMAN PETANI DALAM KONSERVASI LAHAN MELALUI USAHA TANI (Studi Kualitatif pada Petani Kelompok Konservasi SDA Karya Bhakti di Desa Srikuncoro Kabupaten Bengkulu Utara)
The objective of this research is to describe, analyze and investigate of the farmer’s experience in land
conservation. Fenomenology approach through data analyze, domain, analyze taxonomy, theme and componential
were used in this research.
The finding of research were (1) The farmer’s skill in land cultivation has not encouraged the farmers to be
independent in land conservation, (2) land conservation by the farmers doesn’t seen to be realized in simple way,
and (3) land conservation by the farmers has not encouraged the farmers to realized the importance of the land.
The conclusion of this research is that the farming conservation will be able to be implemented if the
farmer can change their orientation and habit of using land.