Any accepted manuscript will be reviewed by at least two reviewers, plus editorial comments. The author is required to revised the manuscript according to reviewer and editors comments. Editor team will process it for later publication. The review process can be separately described as shown below.
A. Manuscript Pre-Check
After the Submission, this check is initially to assess: Suitability of the manuscript to the journal scope and templates; qualification and background of authors; and reject obviously poor manuscript.
B. Double Blind Peer-Review
The process is double blind peer review, which means that as far possible the editor tries so the reviewer does not know the author of the manuscript being reviewed/examined (the author's identity is hidden by the editor) and vice versa. To assist academic editors, PLPB staff handle all communication with author's and reviewers. Editor will check the status of manuscript and the identity of reviewers at any time. Reviewers are given two weeks to write their review.
C. Editor Decision
Acceptance decisions on manuscript, after peer review are made by an editor (the list is on the Editorial Board page). The editor can select from: accept, reject, ask author for revision, ask for an additional reviewer. If there is any suspicion that a paper may contain plagiarism, the editorial office will check using the Turnitin software.