Focus and Scope
Jurnal Pendidikan Lingkungan dan Pembangunan Berkelanjutan (PLPB) is a journal from environmental education graduate program of Jakarta State University. This publication contains articles from research results that using one of the various research methods like qualitative, quantitative, policy research, evaluation research and theoretical research (content analysis) in the field of Population and Environment education.
The Population and Environmental Education (PKLH) is popular on an international scale by using the term of ESD (Educational for Sustainable Development), it means environmental education for sustainable development. The focus of this journal are:
(1) Population education in various levels of early childhood education up to university, whether done informally, formally or non-formal to sustainable development goal's in the framework of sustainable development;
(2) Research in the field of environmental education at various levels from early childhood education to universities, whether conducted informally, formally or non-formal to the sustainable development goal's in the context of sustainable development;
(3). Research are related to the efforts of governments, residents or communities and other stake holders in addressing environmental issues: both the social environment, the physical environment, the natural environment and the artificial environment towards Sustainable Development through the transformation of knowledge, values and culture.