Analisis Tanda Visual dalam Masker Medis dan Non Medis

Keywords: covid, masker, tanda visual, kajian semiotik


Covid-19 (Coronavirus Disease-19) is the name of the disease caused by the Corona virus, which is given by WHO as the official name of this disease. Covid-19 stands for Corona Virus Disease-2019, which is a disease that attacks the respiratory tract causing high fever, cough, flu, shortness of breath, and sore throat. The Corona virus spreads and infects other people through droplets that come out of the mouth and nose that come out of people who are infected with this virus. It can also come from coughing or when exhaling.

Masks before the Covid-19 pandemic era were only used by the medical community. Medics often use masks when carrying out surgical procedures or other medical activities. The Covid-19 pandemic has been going on for 2 years from 2019 until now, so people are encouraged to always use masks in their activities. Since the Covid-19 pandemic, many variants of masks with unique visual shapes have emerged. This study will analyze the unique visual shape mask variants on the market.

This study uses the Study of Semiotics, which is the study of signs (The Study of Signs) and uses qualitative methods. Charles Sander Pierce (1914-1983) Semiotics is based on logic, because logic studies how people reason, while reasoning according to Pierce is done through signs. Being a sign insofar as it has three characteristics, namely: (1) having a physical form that can be captured by the human senses so that it can be seen, heard, touched or smelled, (2) refers to something outside itself, and (3) must be used and recognized as a sign namely as an element in the cultural system or code shared by the community.


