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Penulis yang ingin memasukkan naskah harus memperhatikan poin-poin di bawah ini. Jika naskah tidak sesuai dengan persyaratan yang telah dicantumkan, ada kemungkinan naskah tersebut akan dikembalikan.
  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • The submission file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, or RTF document file format.
  • Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.
  • The text is single-spaced; uses a 12-point font; employs italics, rather than underlining (except with URL addresses); and all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed within the text at the appropriate points, rather than at the end.
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines.

Panduan Penulis


Seminar Pendidikan Kejuruan & Teknik Sipil (SPKTS)

Authors who will send manuscripts to SPKTS must fulfill all the applicable provisions in SPKTS. The submitted manuscript is the original work of the author and is free from plagiarism. The author must upload a statement stating that:

  1. the submitted manuscript has never been published in other media publications,
  2. the manuscript submitted is not being processed in other publication media, and
  3. the submitted manuscript will not be submitted to other publication media until the issuance of the decision on the manuscript (accepted or rejected) by the Editorial Board.

The author cannot withdraw the manuscript that has been declared "accepted" by the Editor's Board. Authors who withdraw manuscripts that have been accepted by the JPensil Editor Board are not permitted to publish manuscripts through SPKTS for two consecutive years since the decree was issued.

The author should register through the Open Journal System SPKTS The author should fulfill the form, especially on the star mark. Please give your selection as author, reviewer, or both of them on the Confirmation Register section. After the form filled, click on "Register" to process the registration. Please go to User Home and select your role as an author. In Active Submission, click on "Click here: to go to step one of the five-step submission process".

A manuscript submitted is evaluated through Peer Review Process. The writing of the manuscript to be submitted at SPKTS must meet the following requirements:

  1. Writing the manuscripts that fit the journal focus and scope.
  2. Writing the manuscript using English that is good and right.
  3. Writing the manuscripts with 5,000 to 6,000 words. The number of words includes the title, name, and affiliation of the author, abstract, contents of the manuscript, and bibliography.
  4. Writing the manuscripts using the SPKTS article template
  5. Writing the manuscripts using Microsoft Word with two column writing format and portrait-oriented.
  6. Writing the manuscripts using A4-sized paper with a border of the left edge 1,5 cm, right edge 1,5 cm, top edge 2 cm, and bottom edge of 2 cm.
  7. Writing the manuscripts using Book Antiqua type letters size 10 pt.

Systematics of Manuscript Writing, consisting of:

  1. The title must reflect the essence of the contents that written straightforwardly and informatively. The author provides titles in  English. 
  2. Author's name, author affiliation, and correspondence. The author's name is written in full without an academic degree or indication of position and rank. The order of writers is seen based on their contribution to writing the manuscript. Author affiliations are written after writing the author's name with the components: agency name, agency address, zip code, and country name. Manuscripts with more than one author need to appoint one writer as the correspondent writer. At the bottom of the author's affiliation, the author's e-mail address is listed.
  3. Abstract and Keywords. The author writes the abstract clearly and concisely, describing the essence of the writer's entire contents (objectives, methods, results, and implications). The author writes the abstract in Indonesian and English. The author writes the abstract in one paragraph with 200 words. After the abstract, the author writes five words or phrases keywords. The selected keywords are words that reflect the concepts contained in the article. Keywords are needed to help increase the ease of access to the relevant article in the search engine.
  4. The introduction contains background problems supported by facts, concepts, theories, and research results from relevant and up-to-date reference sources. This section also reviews the novelty, differences of this research with previous research, and the contribution of this research to the development of science. At the end of the introduction, the authors clearly state the research objectives.
  5. The method section contains the type of method used, population and sample, and research sample selection techniques, types and techniques in data collection, and techniques in data processing and analysis.
  6. Results and Discussion. The results section presents answers to the research problems, precisely, and completely. The author can use illustration in the form of a table or figure to supplement the result's exposure to clarify and shorten the description. The author should not repeat reading data that has been presented in a table or figure. Research results must be discussed clearly and in detail. Primary and up-to-date reference sources must support the discussion.
  7. Conclusions and Suggestions. Conclusions are a summary of the study's main findings, which are answers to the research objectives. Suggestions are formulated based on research findings. The author also writes the suggestion for the researchers, practitioners, or relevant policymakers.
  8. Acknowledgments (if any). The author writes acknowledgments to people or institutions who help research activities, such as research grants.
  9. Writing Bibliography. Relevant reference sources support the manuscript. Reference sources used should be primary sources (national/international scientific journals publication). The number of primary libraries used is at least 80 percent of the total reference sources used in the article. The total reference sources used in the article are at least 25 libraries. The reference source used should also be an up-to-date reference source that is the source published in the last ten years. Authors should not cite quotations and not use anonymous references. Reference sources displayed in the reference list are referral sources referred to in the text-only (not copy all the reference sources in the thesis/dissertation/report reference list). The author sort reference sources by letters of the alphabet (A-Z). Writing references in the text and writing reference sources in the reference list refer to the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (APA 6th Edition Style). Writing a Bibliography must use a standard quoting application Mendeley.

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