• Karmila P. Lamadang Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
  • Mamat Supriatna
  • Sapriyana
  • Nana Supriatna
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The purpose of this study is to describe analytically the character values contained in the Mombowa Tumpe (ceremony of sending the first maleo bird egg during the dry season), from the Matindok kingdom of the Batui indigenous people, Banggai Regency to the kingdom of the Banggai tribe in Banggai Laut Regency, Central Sulawesi Province. The maleo bird eggs were sent by the Matindok kingdom to the Banggai kingdom using a boat with strict escort by the elders or Batui traditional actors. The study method consisted of literature review and field study using interview techniques. The results of the study show that Mombowa Tumpe contains character values, namely the values of obedience, trust, love, compassion, and responsibility. These values are revealed in the tumpe mombowa. Apart from these values, Mombowa Tumpe is also a medium which can strengthen the relationship between the indigenous Batui tribe and the Banggai tribe, who come from two different islands. The values from this study can be used in the process of strengthening the character of elementary school students.