Current Issue

Vol 24 No 2 (2024): SPATIAL: Wahana Komunikasi dan Informasi Geografi

Spatial : Wahana Komunikasi dan Informasi Geografi, is a Journal of geographical studies that published twice a year. The editors accept scientific writings that are in line with the themes of geography, environment, and geographic education that have never been published in other media. Published articles are subject to contributions to the costs of publishing. The editor has the right to edit the text without changing its meaning.

Published: 2024-07-19
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SPATIAL : Wahana Komunikasi dan Informasi Spasial is published twice a year, in March and September. We accept scientific writings that are in line with the themes of geography, environment, and geography education that have never been published in other media. 


Due to server changes and improving the quality of the Spatial Journal, for 2019, we will not publish in the regular schedule. The first issue will be published in October, and the second issue will be published in December. The schedule will be normal again in 2020. So please be advised, thank you.

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