Focus and Scope

Al-Ma‘rifah: Jurnal Budaya, Bahasa, dan Sastra Arab, is a peer-reviewed journal, published by the Institute of Research and Community Service (Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat) of the Universitas Negeri Jakarta, Indonesia, and managed by the Arabic Language Education Study Programme, Faculty of Languages and Arts, Universitas Negeri Jakarta. The journal seeks to publish original research articles that are hypothetical and theoretical and that provide exploratory insights in the fields of teaching Arabic as a foreign language, media for Arabic language teaching, using technology for Arabic language teaching, Arabic language learning strategy, Arabic linguistics, modern standard Arabic, Arabic literature, and Arab-Islamic art and culture.
All articles will be reviewed by experts before being accepted for publication. Each author is solely responsible for the content of published articles. The editorial board welcomes high-quality research or review papers focusing on teaching, researching, training, and applied work in the field of Arabic studies.