Pengaruh Model Pembelajaran dan Kecerdasan Intelektual Terhadap Hasil Belajar Sejarah Siswa di SMA Negeri 1 Karawang

  • Indah Megawati
Keywords: learning outcomes history, instructional model, intellegence quotient


This research is purpose to find the influence of instructional model and intellegence
quotient to history learning outcomes in Senior High School 1 Karawang. This research is
quantitative type with use experiment design methode treatment by level 2x2. The instrument which
used to result of history learning is multiple choices test. Besides, intellegence quotient gets by result
of students' IQ test. This test is organized by an institute for IQ test. At that time students' receive in
Karawang Senior High School 1. This research's result shows that: (1) result of history learning for
students who follows learning model Numbered Heads Together ( NHT) is higer than students who
follows conventional learning model. (2) there are interactions between learning model and
inttelegence quotient (3) students who follows history learning by use NHT learning model by high
intellegence quotient is higer than srudents who follows conventional learning model by high
intellegence quotient (4) students' result of history learning who follows NHT learning model bu low
intellegence quotient is lower that students' who follows conventional learning method by low

How to Cite
Megawati, I. (2017). Pengaruh Model Pembelajaran dan Kecerdasan Intelektual Terhadap Hasil Belajar Sejarah Siswa di SMA Negeri 1 Karawang. Jurnal Pendidikan Sejarah, 6(2), 1 - 9.