Pengaruh Latihan Plyometric Depth Jump Terhadap Daya Ledak Otot Tungkai Dan Kadar Enzim Keratinfosokinase (CPK) Pemain Bola Basket

  • Eko Juli Fitrianto Universitas Negeri Jakarta
  • Bambang Sujiono
  • Agung Robianto Universitas Negeri Jakarta
Keywords: plyometrik depth jump, daya ledak otot tungkai, Enzim Keratinfisokinase (CPK)


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh latihan plyometric depth jump terhadap daya ledak otot tungkai dan kadar enzim keratinfosokinase (CPK) pada atlet basket. Latihan plyometric depth jump adalah tipe latihan yang predominan metabolisme anaerobik yang dilakukan dalam intensitas tinggi sehingga dapat menimbulkan cedera pada sel otot. Metode  penelitian ini adalah eksperimental dengan subjek penelitian 22 atlet bola basket putra dengan rata-rata usia 19 tahun selama 6 minggu. Sebelum pemberian latihan dilakukan pengukuran daya ledak otot tungkai dan kadar (CPK) diukur 24 jam setelah melakukan latihan pertama. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan peningkatan daya ledak otot tungkai (54,05±5,00 vs 58,32±4,17 p=0,00) sebesar 9,56% dan penurunan kadar CPK (626,32±506,98 vs 260,68 ±155,02 p=0,00) sebesar 27,88% setelah melakukan latihan plyometic depth jump selama 6 minggu. Simpulan penelitian menunjukkan bahwa latihan plyometric depth jump  meningkatkan daya ledak otot  tungkai dan menurunkan kadar CPK pada pemain bola basket setelah melakukan latihan selama 6 minggu.

Kata Kunci: Plyometrik Depth Jump, Daya Ledak Otot Tungkai, Enzim Keratinfosokinase (CPK)



This study aims to find out effect of plyometric depth jump exercises on the explosive power of the limb muscles and levels of the enzyme keratinfosokinase in basketball athletes Plyometric depth jump exercises are types of exercises that predominant anaerobic metabolism performed in high intensity so as to cause injury to muscle cells.This research method was experimental with the study subjects of 22 male basketball athletes with an average age of 19 years a 6-week plyometric depth jump exercise. Prior to the administration of exercise, measurements of limb muscle explosives and keratinfosokinase (CPK) enzyme levels were measured 24 hours after the first exercise. The results showed an increase in the explosive power of the limb muscles (54.05±5.00 vs. 58.32±4.17 p=0.00) by 9.56% and a decrease in CPK levels (6 26.32±506.98 vs 260.68 ±155.02 p=0.00) by 27.88% after doing plyometic depth jump exercises for 6 weeks.The study concluded that plyometric depth jump exercises increase the explosiveness of the limb muscles and lower CPK levels in basketball players after 6 weeks of exercise.

Keywords: Plyometric Depth Jump, Limb Muscle Explosive Power, Enzyme Keratinfosokinase (CPK)         


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