Metode Menghafal Alquran Tawazun dan Peningkatan Self Esteem Santri di Pesantren Daarul Huffadz Indonesia


  • Nida Syauqia Albi Universitas Negeri Jakarta
  • Universitas Negeri Jakarta
  • Universitas Negeri Jakarta
  • Universitas Negeri Jakarta



Tawazun Method, Daarul Huffadz of Indonesia, Self-esteem.


This article explains the learning of memorizing the Koran by the Tawazun Method in the Daarul Huffadz Indonesian Boarding School, Sentul Branch. This research was conducted with a qualitative approach. The data collection method consists of interviews and document studies. The results showed that learning to memorize the Koran with the Tawazun Method consists of the process of reading, understanding, imagining, memorizing, and depositing. These activities train the intelligence of the right brain and left brain in a balanced and optimal way. This method proved useful in facilitating students in memorizing the Koran; gain an understanding of the Qur'an; strengthen and maintain memorization; foster motivation to memorize and create intensive relations between students and the Koran. The implementation of the Tahfidz method also contributes positively to the improvement of personal self-esteem which is characterized by an increase in feelings of happiness, the ability to face challenges, overcome problems, and motivate him; and good self-acceptance by the environment and good relations with other individuals or groups.




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How to Cite

Albi, Nida Syauqia, Andy, Ahmad, and Firdaus. “Metode Menghafal Alquran Tawazun Dan Peningkatan Self Esteem Santri Di Pesantren Daarul Huffadz Indonesia”. Jurnal Studi Al-Qur’an 16, no. 2 (July 30, 2020): 213–232. Accessed February 23, 2025.

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