Author Guidelines

  1. Manuscript accepted is written in standard Indonesian language.
  2. The length of the manuscript is approximately 6-12 pages (or approximately 6000 words), written in A4 paper format, margins: top 3; left 3; right 2; bottom 2, one columns , justified, Line Spacing: Single.
  3. Manuscript comprises five main headings: Pendahuluan (Introduction), Metodologi (Methods), Hasil dan Pembahasan (Results and Discussion), Kesimpulan dan Saran (Conclusion and Suggestions), Ucapan Terima kasih (Acknowledgement) [optional], Referensi (References).
    • Pendahuluan (Introduction)
      Introduction serves the purpose of leading the reader from a general subject area to a particular field  of research. It establishes the context of the research being conducted by summarizing current understanding and background information about the topic, stating the purpose of the work in the form of the hypothesis, question, or research problem, briefly explaining your rationale, methodological approach, highlighting the potential outcomes your study can reveal, and describing the remaining structure of the paper. By introducing and reviewing key sources of prior research in that area to show where gaps exist or where prior research has been inadequate in addressing the research problem.
    • Metodologi (Methods)
      Methods discusses the research design, data collection, data sources such as the population and sample, and data analysis. It is written with sentences in paragraphs, not in sequences using points.
    • Hasil dan Pembahasan (Results and Discussion)
      This section contains the data and information that has been collected. The finding systematically must be supported by charts, tables, figures or informative illustrations, and shows a further explanation about the finding.
    • Kesimpulan dan saran (Conclusion and Suggestions)
      This section should clearly state the result of correlated objective (and may also possible with future direction).
    • Ucapan Terima Kasih (Acknowledgement) [optional]
      Acknowledgments are stated for agencies or institutions that support research funding or people who help the author in this research but not as the author.
  4. The title of the manuscript must be as brief as possible and must represent the content of the manuscript.
  5. Authors names are written below the tittle, followed by authors affiliation and e-mail address.
  6. The abstract is written in two languages: Indonesian and English, as a representation of the manuscript. The abstract should not exceed 250 words for each language format, written narratively comprising aims/objectives, method, and findings of the research/article.
  7. Keywords: words or phrases which are important, specific, or representative to the article.
  8. Harvard style is used as a reference in the citation, references, and writing format.
  9. The references of the article are in the form of journals and non-journals which are published in the last 10 years.
  10. The manuscript should be written in the manuscript format that available at JSA website.
  11. The manuscript must be in *.doc or *.rtf, and sent to the journal system via online submission by creating an account in this Open Journal System (OJS) [click REGISTER if you have not had any account yet, or click LOG IN if you have already had an account].
  12. All Author(s)' names and identity(es) must be completely embedded in the form filled in by the corresponding author: email; affiliation; and each author's short biography (in the column of 'Bio Statement'). [if the manuscript is written by two or more authors, please click 'Add Author' in the 3rd step of 'ENTER METADATA' in the submission process and then enter each author's data.]
  13. Authors' biography (in the column of Bio Statement) is written in the form of narration, including author's full name, place, and date of birth, educational qualification/information started from bachelor degree (S-1) until the latest educational degree, the affiliation in which the author is currently working, phone number, and email address.
  14. All correspondences, information, and decisions for the submitted manuscripts are conducted through email was written in the manuscript and/or the emails used for the submission. The status of the manuscript can be checked in the OJS by logging in to the journal.
  15. If you have submission queries, please contact +6281280833711 via whatsapp or via email.