The Use of Memes and Whatsapp Message in Teaching Literature

  • Lestari Manggong Universitas Padjajaran, Jawa Barat, Indonesia


This article discusses an experiment conducted in two courses: Survey of Contemporary Literature in English and Further Studies in Prose, involving the use of memes and WhatsApp message. In the classroom, at the beginning of each session, the memes and WhatsApp message relevant to the discussion topic in each session are displayed. This moderate experiment then developed and resulted into a different perception when students showed different levels of knowledge on popular culture upon interpreting the memes and WhatsApp message. This triggered an analysis on the reception of information implied on the memes and WhatsApp message, which was affected by students’ intercultural competency. In the discussion, theoretical concepts on digital culture refer to Brodie (1996), Blackmore (1997), Shifman (2014), and Crystal (2014). This artucle proposes an argument that, in relation to the teaching of literature, the memes and WhatsApp message used are able to mediate certain perception that bridges students’ understanding on the literary works discussed in class.


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