Ethics in Classical and Contemporary Children’s Short Stories

  • Atikah Ruslianti
  • Annisaa Syifa Nuramalina Fakultas Bahasa dan Seni, Universitas Negeri Jakarta, Jalan Rawamangun Muka, Jakarta Timur, DKI Jakarta, Indonesia


Children short stories are one way among other literature studies to educate children about moral values and social life around them. In order to be able to socialize with other people, one of the important moral values that an individual must have is ethics. Most of children short stories, both classical and contemporary, are trying to present ethics as the main theme. This paper explores the way ethics is being conveyed in classical and contemporary children short stories. This paper uses Narrative Inquiry of Qualitative Method. This method is used to explore the background of the stories and authors with diverse culture as it is shown through the stories. There are 6 children short stories being analyzed. Three stories are classical, and the other three are contemporary. This paper also shows the results of comparison of ethic in classical and contemporary children short stories.


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