Bahasa Indonesia Development Efforts in The Education Environment As A Character Establishment in Millennial Era

  • Romi Isnanda Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia, Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan, Universitas Bung Hatta, Padang, Indonesia
  • Mia Setiawati Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia, Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan, Universitas Bung Hatta, Padang, Indonesia


This article discusses the challenges of developing bahasa Indonesia in the education environment as millennial generation character formation. Education is an official institution that is under the auspices of the state. In fact, education is a very important thing that must be owned by every individual human being. Education is expected to be able to educate the nation's children. This can be seen from the position or education stated in Undang-Undang Nomor 2 Tahun 2003 about the same right to obtain quality education for every citizen. In the world of education, the ability that must be fulfilled by everyone who needs abilities that can help anyone who easily communicates with the good. But when it did not work properly, it was seen in the world of education in the millennial era that it still lacked raw and correct language, so that Indonesian was always distorted by its narrative. This makes Indonesian language look less authoritative and irregular. Therefore, the need to maintain the use of bahasa Indonesia is for keeping such characters, which arev(1) not afraid of misreading, (2) not afraid of making mistakes in pronunciation, (3) not afraid of making mistakes, and (4) eliminating self-mistrust.



This article discusses the challenges of developing bahasa Indonesia in the education environment as millennial generation character formation. Education is an official institution that is under the auspices of the state. In fact, education is a very important thing that must be owned by every individual human being. Education is expected to be able to educate the nation's children. This can be seen from the position or education stated in Undang-Undang Nomor 2 Tahun 2003 about the same right to obtain quality education for every citizen. In the world of education, the ability that must be fulfilled by everyone who needs abilities that can help anyone who easily communicates with the good. But when it did not work properly, it was seen in the world of education in the millennial era that it still lacked raw and correct language, so that Indonesian was always distorted by its narrative. This makes Indonesian language look less authoritative and irregular. Therefore, the need to maintain the use of bahasa Indonesia is for keeping such characters, which arev(1) not afraid of misreading, (2) not afraid of making mistakes in pronunciation, (3) not afraid of making mistakes, and (4) eliminating self-mistrust.


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