The Influence of Learning Experience on Silence in WhatsApp-Based English Classrooms: Insights from Computer Engineering Students
WhatsApp-Based Classroom, Computer Engineering Students, Students’ SilenceAbstract
Silence in online learning, particularly in WhatsApp-based classroom, is an essential yet underexplored aspect of student engagement, especially among Computer Engineering students. While traditional theories suggest that silence fosters reflection, in practice, it often leads to discomfort or passivity, highlighting a gap between theoretical expectations and classroom realities. This study employing a quantitative ex post facto design aims to address this discrepancy by exploring how Computer Engineering students perceive silence in WhatsApp-based English classroom, focusing on the influence of age, gender, class type, and learning experience. Data were collected through two questionnaires. The first one assessed learning experiences and the second one examined silence of students in WhatsApp-based English classrooms. The data analysis included descriptive statistics and non-parametric tests (Mann-Whitney U and Kruskal-Wallis H tests) using SPSS 27.00. The findings revealed that students generally perceived silence as a natural yet sometimes uncomfortable part of learning. Age significantly influenced students’ comfort with silence, while gender and class type had minimal impact. Students with more experience in WhatsApp-based learning environment recognized reflective benefits of silence, whereas less experienced students tended to struggle with it. Despite this, both groups shared similar reasons for and discomfort with silence. The study concludes that while silence can support reflective learning, it may also cause discomfort due to students' hesitancy to interrupt discussions. To enhance engagement, the study suggests that teaching methods be adapted based on students' age and familiarity with the platform, ensuring that silence fosters meaningful learning rather than students’ passivity.
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