Analysis of the Experience of Losing a Female Character in the Short Story Maukah Kau Menghapus Bekas Bibirnya di Bibirku dengan Bibirmu? by Hamsad Rangkuti
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Loss Heor, Short Story, Psychological Phases, Elisabeth Kübler-RossAbstrak
Literary works are a reflection of real life experienced by humans. Every human being must experience loss. Not only in real life, events of loss can also be found in literary works through the characters or stories contained in them. Humans will experience phases when experiencing loss. These phases will be analyzed in this research through literary works in the form of short stories. The aim of this research is to analyze the experience of loss in the characters in the short story "Maukah Kau Menghapus Bekas Bibirnya di Bibirku dengan Bibirmu?" by Hamsad Rangkuti's using Elisabeth Kübler-Ross's theory of loss. This research uses a literature study approach by collecting psychological theory references to dissect literary works. Research results from the analysis of the short story "Maukah Kau Menghapus Bekas Bibirnya di Bibirku dengan Bibirmu?" by Hamsad Rangkuti's found that the female character in the short story experienced five phases in the event of loss, namely 1) denial phase, 2) anger phase, 3) offering phase, 4) depression phase, and 5) acceptance phase. It turns out that Elisabeth Kübler-Ross's theory of loss does not only occur in everyday life, but in a literary work in the form of a short story, this theory of loss can also be experienced by the character. A short story written by Hamsad Rangkuti with the title "Maukah Kau Menghapus Bekas Bibirnya di Bibirku dengan Bibirmu?" proves that Elizabeth Kübler-Ross's theory corresponds to the phases of loss felt by humans.
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