Intermediate Students' Perceptions of the Transformation of Online Translation Engine
DOI: Kunci:
Language Translation Machine, Technology, Transformation, PlatformAbstrak
Online language translation machine is a tool that is currently popular to be used as a benchmark when translating words and sentences from foreign languages that are widely used by people today, especially students and students who can change the way of learning foreign languages by facilitating the translation process. Currently, online translation machines are really increasing and varying from those available on the website to having their own platforms such as special applications for language translation machines, so this research appears to analyse online translation machines according to students who have used them, this research method is a qualitative method conducted through a platform using interviews that see from the perception or point of view of users, namely high school students. The results of the interviews found that out of 13 students have almost the same point of view but with a variety of different reasons, most of them say that the translation machine is growing rapidly and is increasingly sophisticated as evidenced by the existence of new and interesting features that make it easier for them to translate various languages. It can be concluded that their perception of the online translation machine is interesting and quite realistic that the current online translation machine is indeed growing quite rapidly starting from the features and translation accuracy that continues to increase, it will be sure for the future online translation machines will be more sophisticated and become the main tool in translating various languages.
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