Analysis of the Effectiveness of Gamification Elements in Mobile-Based English Learning Applications for Elementary School Students


  • Jesita Sani Institut Teknologi Bandung
  • Dianing Ratri Institut Teknologi Bandung


Kata Kunci:

Gamification, Language Learning, Mobile Applications, Mobile Learning Quadrant, Learning Motivation


The limited engagement and motivation of elementary school students in traditional English learning methods present a challenge that mobile-based language learning applications can address. This research examines the gamification elements in three popular mobile-based English learning applications—Duolingo, Busuu, and Simpler—to evaluate their effectiveness in enhancing student motivation and learning outcomes. The study employs a descriptive comparative method, utilizing observation sheets as research instruments to analyze the presence and impact of gamification features such as points, leaderboards, levels, missions, and achievements. Data were analyzed using literature review and document analysis techniques to compare gamification strategies across the applications. The results reveal that Duolingo excels in utilizing gamification features comprehensively, fostering high user engagement through competitive and achievement-driven elements. Busuu integrates gamification with social interaction, emphasizing collaborative learning experiences, while Simpler employs minimal gamification with a focus on simplicity and accessibility. Overall, gamification enhances user motivation and supports language skill development, including reading, writing, speaking, and listening. This study highlights the potential of gamification-based mobile learning to address challenges in traditional education and provide engaging, effective learning experiences tailored to digital-native students.

Biografi Penulis

Jesita Sani, Institut Teknologi Bandung

Student at Institut Teknologi Bandung

Dianing Ratri, Institut Teknologi Bandung

Lecturer at Institut Teknologi Bandung


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Cara Mengutip

Sani, J., & Ratri, D. (2024). Analysis of the Effectiveness of Gamification Elements in Mobile-Based English Learning Applications for Elementary School Students. IJLECR (International Journal of Language Education and Cultural Review), 10(2), 213–226.