Cyber Pragmatics Analysis of Deddy Codbuzer's Podcast in Applying the Maxim of Cooperation
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Cyber Pragmatics, Podcast, Grice's Maxims of Cooperation, Digital Communication MultimodalAbstrak
Along with the increasing popularity of podcasts as a digital communication medium, it is important to understand how verbal interactions in this platform adhere to the principles of effective communication. This study aims to analyze the compliance and violation of Grice's maxims of cooperation in the interaction pattern of Deddy Corbuzier's podcast with Guru Husein Ali. The 43-minute 23-second podcast discusses the issue of illegal levies (pungli) in CPNS training, which is guided through a dynamic but serious communication approach. The research data was obtained through conversation transcripts analyzed using qualitative methods with a multimodal cyber pragmatics approach, which includes verbal and non-verbal elements such as intonation, gestures, and facial expressions. The results of the analysis show that the interactions in the podcast consistently comply with Grice's maxims of cooperation, including the maxims of quantity, quality, relevance, and manner. By analyzing these popular podcasts, this study makes new contributions to our understanding of the pragmatics of digital communication and may have implications for podcasters and other content creators. The information conveyed by the interviewees is sufficient, accurate, relevant, and delivered clearly, making it easy for the audience to understand. Although there were some minor violations of the maxim of relevance, such as the insertion of humor that was not always relevant, it did not disrupt the flow of the discussion and instead helped to create a more relaxed and interesting atmosphere. In addition, the use of multimodal elements succeeded in strengthening message delivery, increasing communication effectiveness, and helping the audience understand the issues discussed. This research emphasizes the importance of understanding the social and cultural context in digital communication and the role of podcasts as an effective educational medium.
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