Role of K.H. Agus Salim in Educational Management in Koto Gadang 1912-1915


  • Arafah Pramasto Ahl Al-Bayt International University, Iran
  • Dina Fahira Raden Fatah State Islamic University, Indonesia
  • Safira Elfadhilah Raden Fatah State Islamic University, Indonesia



Educational Management, HIS Koto Gadang, Studiefonds Koto Gadang, Islamic Modernism


K.H. Agus Salim is an Indonesian national hero known as a scholar, politician, professional and journalist. Her activism can be traced from the time of the national movement to the period of defending independence. However, there is an experience that is so unique, namely when Salim fought for education in his hometown of Koto Gadang, West Sumatra. This writing uses the biographical research method of education to highlight Salim's historical role in the field of educational management. Since childhood, Agus Salim was known to be intelligent and studious. He took all of his education at the Dutch colonial school and always excelled and was fluent in many languages (polyglot). In the midst of a discriminatory colonial education system, he succeeded in establishing the private Hollandsche Inlandsche School (HIS) with the help of non-governmental organizations in 1912. He served as an advisor and teacher. Many of the school's alumni have been successfully accepted into government advanced schools, one of the reasons being that foreign language education (Dutch) is taught from an early age. Furthermore, "Studiefonds Koto Gadang" as the institution he founded helps outstanding students to get free education and continue their education. The basis of Agus Salim's contribution lies in the influence of Islamic modernism thought brought by Muhammad Abduh, that Muslims must achieve the pleasure of Allah with intellectual intelligence. Salim completes it by building awareness of nationalism and love for the motherland.




How to Cite

Pramasto, A., Fahira, D., & Elfadhilah, S. (2024). Role of K.H. Agus Salim in Educational Management in Koto Gadang 1912-1915. Improvement: Jurnal Ilmiah Untuk Peningkatan Mutu Manajemen Pendidikan, 11(2), 268–279.