Analysis of Factors Affecting the Loyalty of GoPay Customer Through Customer Satisfaction

  • Panca Ardhio Saputra Universitas Negeri Jakarta
  • Alfian Maulana Universitas Negeri Jakarta
  • Osly Usman Universitas Negeri Jakarta
Keywords: Brand Image, Loyalty Program, Service Quality, Customer Satisfaction, Customer Loyalty


The purpose of this research is to investigate how customer satisfaction for GoPay customers in Jabodetabek is impacted by the interplay of variables such as brand image, loyalty program, and service quality. Partial Least Square - Structural Equation (PLS- SEM) was the data analysis approach employed in this study, and the data were obtained utilizing a purposive sampling strategy. The validity and reliability tests are the analytical methods that are employed. Descriptive analysis factors, outer loading analysis, construct validity and reliability, path coefficient discriminant validity value, r-square value, and significant indirect impact were also employed in this study. The study's findings indicate that while brand image has a favorable but not statistically significant impact on consumer satisfaction, loyalty programs and service quality factors have a considerable positive influence.
