
  • Ravena Carissa Universitas Negeri Jakarta
  • Marsofiyati Universitas Negeri Jakarta
  • Destria Kurnianti Universitas Negeri Jakarta


burnout, employee, work environment


This study aims to investigate the factors that cause job burnout and its impact on employees at PT Home Tester Indonesia. Through literature analysis, several factors are identified as contributing to job burnout, including excessive workload, lack of social support, low task control, and limited job variety. Other factors such as organizational injustice, lack of recognition for contributions, and limited career development opportunities can also increase job burnout. The impacts of job burnout include decreased motivation and performance, increased absenteeism, higher risk of burnout and mental health problems, increased employee turnover, and decreased productivity for organizations. Research data was collected through observation, interviews, and documentation, and analyzed using descriptive methods to provide a comprehensive overview of job burnout among employees. This study is expected to provide insights into efforts to overcome job burnout at PT Home Tester Indonesia


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How to Cite

Ravena Carissa, Marsofiyati, & Destria Kurnianti. (2024). ANALYSIS OF EMPLOYEE BURNOUT AT PT HOME TESTER INDONESIA. International Student Conference on Business, Education, Economics, Accounting, and Management (ISC-BEAM), 2(1). Retrieved from

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