Analysis of Digitalization of Employee Recruitment at Pt Patra Jasa


  • Kayla Luna Bimantoro Jakarta State University
  • Marsofiyati Department of office administration education, Jakarta State University
  • Adnan Kasofi Department Digital Bussiness, Jakarta State University


Process, Stages, Obstacles and Solutions


KAYLA LUNA BIMANTORO. 2024. 1703520016. Analysis of the Digitalization of Employee Recruitment at PT Patra Jasa. D4 Digital Office Administration Study Program, Faculty of Economics, Jakarta State University.


       The aim of this research is to find out the implementation system for digitizing employee recruitment, knowing the obstacles and opportunities faced by digitizing employee recruitment, and knowing the stages taken to overcome obstacles to digitalizing employee recruitment at PT Patra Jasa.

       This research method uses descriptive qualitative research, namely constructive research which is used to examine the condition of natural objects where the researcher is the key instrument. Meanwhile, in collecting data using primary data and secondary data. Primary data: researchers conducted observations, interviews, and documentation, and secondary data was obtained from supporting books about digitizing employee recruitment. Accompanied by data analysis starting from data collection, data presentation, and drawing conclusions.

       From the results of this research, it can be seen that PT Patra Jasa, which coincides in Kuningan, South Jakarta, has carried out recruitment via digital, but the Patra Jasa company itself does not yet have a separate portal for employee recruitment, but externally, namely through a job recruitment portal in collaboration with PT Patra Jasa. namely job street.


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How to Cite

Kayla Luna Bimantoro, Marsofiyati, & Adnan Kasofi. (2024). Analysis of Digitalization of Employee Recruitment at Pt Patra Jasa. International Student Conference on Business, Education, Economics, Accounting, and Management (ISC-BEAM), 2(1), 1336–1351. Retrieved from

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