Financialliteracyconsumptive The effect of financial literacy on consumptive behaviour

##The effect of financial literacy on consumptive behaviour##

  • Exaudi Situmorang Universitas Negeri Jakarta
Keywords: Financial Literacy, Consumptive Behaviour, Theoritical Review


##The current research was conducted to analyze the effect of financial literacy on consumptive behaviour. The problem on this research is Indonesian’s consumptive behaviour. This research studies on financial literation on consumptive behaviour theoritically and historically. This research also explains theoretical measuring factor for the next research and to describe, explain,measure about consumptive behaviour based on theoretical study. This research uses qualitative method that involves analysing relevant literature and theoretical sources. Based on literature studies that there is a significant result  among financial literation on consumptive behaviour. The more people have good literation, have less consumptive behaviour.This analysis is aimed to show a deeper understanding of how the level of financial literacy can affect the consumptive behaviour of Indonesian society. The findings of this research is intended are expected to provide valuable guidance for th development of more effective financial education strategies and policies that can help overcome the problem of consumptive behaviour.For future researchers it is recommended to analyse other factors that influence consumptive behaviour outside of this study.##

How to Cite
Situmorang, E. (2024). Financialliteracyconsumptive The effect of financial literacy on consumptive behaviour. International Student Conference on Business, Education, Economics, Accounting, and Management (ISC-BEAM), 1(1), 753-766.