Framing Identitas Keluarga Alternatif (Families of Choice) dalam Film (Studi Analisis Framing pada Film ‘Ali & Ratu-Ratu Queens’)


  • Renita Sukma Melati Universitas Negeri Jakarta


Identity, Family, Framing Analysis, Film


This study aims to describe the framing of identity within alternative families of choice as depicted in the film "Ali & Ratu-Ratu Queens". It employs a qualitative approach within the framework of film text analysis. Data collection utilized film text analysis techniques and literature review, with data analysis conducted through Robert N. Entman's framing analysis. The object of this study is the film “Ali & Ratu-Ratu Queens ". The research also refers to the concept of genetic structuralism as elaborated by Lucien Goldmann. Based on the findings, the film “Ali & Ratu-Ratu Queens " portrays a discourse framing of non-binary, non-regulative, and non-heteronormative alternative family identities, narrated through the stories of Ali, his traditional family, and his alternative family within the diaspora community context. The film reframes the concept of alternative family identity as an antithesis to the heteronormative and patriarchal concept of traditional family, presenting a new worldview offered by the producers. Goldmann suggests that the structural similarity between literary works and societal structure is mediated by worldview. "Ali & Ratu-Ratu Queens" mediates between two worldviews: the heteronormative and patriarchal family worldview and the new worldview of the concept of alternative families of choice.


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How to Cite

Melati, R. S. (2024). Framing Identitas Keluarga Alternatif (Families of Choice) dalam Film (Studi Analisis Framing pada Film ‘Ali & Ratu-Ratu Queens’). Jurnal Diskursus Pendidikan Sosiologi, 5(02), 17–36. Retrieved from