Hiperrealitas Pemuja Idola Dalam Masyarakat Konsumsi (Studi Kasus: 6 Penggemar BTS (ARMY) di Jakarta Pusat)

(Studi Kasus: 6 Penggemar BTS (ARMY) di Jakarta Pusat)


  • Marsyanda Kamalia Universitas Negeri Jakarta


idol worship, hyperreality, popular culture, fandom, ARMY, BTS


This research aims to describe the behavior of BTS (ARMY) fans, forms of hyperreality and the impact of idol worshipers' hyperreality in consumption society. The subjects of this research were six informants, namely K-Pop fans in the ARMY fandom. The data in this research was obtained through observation, in-depth interviews, documentation and literature study. Data triangulation was carried out by reconfirming the data with the informant from the social media uploads of the informant, family and close friends of the informant. The results of this research show that fan behavior in idol worship is listening to music, consuming content and activities of idol artists, streaming and voting, bringing fan accessories, buying K-Pop merchandise or goods, also watching or attending K-Pop concerts and events. Fans' behavior towards K-Pop culture has a big influence on fans' attraction to Korean culture at large, one of which is fans' interest in learning Korean. There is a form of hyperreality that leads fans to excessive worship, where fans spend a lot of time, energy and money to pursue an image and lifestyle in order to be closer to their idol artists. Hyperreality also results in a shift in the logic of fan reality and the culture that fans consume. Finally, the social impact that arises is having the desire to have business opportunities, save money, discover one's interests and talents and be able to empathize with one's own mental health, and the negative impact of idol worship is the emergence of fanaticism and a consumerist lifestyle.

Keywords: Idol Worship, Hyperreality, Popular Culture, Fandom, ARMY, BTS


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How to Cite

Kamalia, M. (2024). Hiperrealitas Pemuja Idola Dalam Masyarakat Konsumsi (Studi Kasus: 6 Penggemar BTS (ARMY) di Jakarta Pusat): (Studi Kasus: 6 Penggemar BTS (ARMY) di Jakarta Pusat). Jurnal Diskursus Pendidikan Sosiologi, 5(02), 59–80. Retrieved from https://journal.unj.ac.id/unj/index.php/jdps/article/view/50725