The Influence of Leadership Performance on Employee Commitment which is moderated by Turnover Intention

  • Cahya Purnama Asri Widya Mataram University
Keywords: Performance, Commitment, Turn Over Intention, Leadership


This research examines the analysis of the influence of performance and leadership on employee commitment moderated by turn over intention Study on Companies in Yogyakarta . This research was conducted at a company in Yogyakarta, the sample used in this research was 60, and the analysis tool used was SPSS as the tool . Is there a positive influence between Performance and Employee Commitment, is there a positive influence between Leadership and Employee Commitment, is there a positive influence between Performance and Employee Commitment in Companies in Yogyakarta which is Moderated by Turn Over Intention , is there a positive influence Between Leadership and Employee Commitment to Companies in Yogyakarta which is Moderated by Turn Over Intention .

How to Cite
Asri, C. P. (2024). The Influence of Leadership Performance on Employee Commitment which is moderated by Turnover Intention. Journal of Business and Behavioural Entrepreneurship, 8(1), 13-23.