Menelaah Learning Loss Selama Emergency Remote Teaching di Indonesia

  • Santi Yudhistira Universitas Negeri Jakarta
Keywords: emergency remote teaching, learning loss


The emergence of the Covid 19 Pandemic in March 2020 in Indonesia meant that education implementation regulations needed adjustments to protect education implementers from this infectious virus. The government has determined Distance Learning (PJJ) as the new learning regulation and is most likely to be implemented. Transforming learning activities from face-to-face to PJJ should require careful preparation and adequate training. However, due to its emergency nature and not much time available, preparations were not carried out as planned. The urgent transition to online teaching as a response to the COVID 19 pandemic is referred to as emergency remote teaching (ERT). Emergency Remote Teaching is a distance teaching method applied by educational institutions in crisis situations because face-to-face learning is not possible. The transition from face-to-face learning to ERT has caused a number of new problems to emerge in the world of education. With several obstacles and problems found, learning during the ERT period recorded at least a third of the school year lost. This situation could potentially lead to a decline in academic knowledge and skills which could cause learning loss. Learning loss will continue to impact and accumulate even until students return to face-to-face learning. School closures due to the Covid-19 pandemic and increasing the risk of learning loss can also have a significant impact on the risk of decreasing happiness


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