Potret Sikap Toleransi Beragama Siswa

( Studi Kasus SMA Negeri 5 Jakarta Pusat Kelas XI )


  • Dany Setyo Permana Universitas Negeri Jakarta
  • Noor Rachmat Universitas Negeri Jakarta
  • Yusuf Ismail Universitas Negeri Jakarta


Attitude, Religious Tolerance, Students.


The results of this study indicate that the understanding and religious tolerance high school students in the Central Jakarta District five is good enough and the learning of Islamic Education in Public High Schools five Central Jakarta is sufficient to provide an understanding and tolerant attitude to the students, although the chapter that talks about tolerance are not in class XI in particular. Understanding and tolerance among religious students are: (a). Attitude of tolerance, (b). Recognition of the differences between people, as well as with other religions, (c). Difference as a gift from Allah, (d). Always respect other faiths to build a peaceful world. Conditions of tolerance between students and students, students and teachers, teachers with teachers, and teachers, students and employees in the Public High School five Central Jakarta itself is harmonious. This study aims to provide an overview of how the understanding and religious tolerance high school students in Central Jakarta 5.



How to Cite

Permana, Dany Setyo, Noor Rachmat, and Yusuf Ismail. “Potret Sikap Toleransi Beragama Siswa: ( Studi Kasus SMA Negeri 5 Jakarta Pusat Kelas XI )”. Jurnal Studi Al-Qur’an 10, no. 2 (July 1, 2014): 168–177. Accessed March 7, 2025. https://journal.unj.ac.id/unj/index.php/jsq/article/view/4447.

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