Utilization, Simulation and Learning: The Virtual Laboratory Learning Media PhET for Outcomes Learning
Physics, Learning Outcomes, Technology Integration, PhET Learning MediaAbstract
This study examines the effectiveness of PhET simulations in improving physics learning outcomes for Class XII IPS 4 students at SMA Negeri 1 Beduai. Physics is often perceived as a challenging subject due to its abstract concepts, which are difficult to visualize and understand using traditional teaching methods. Interactive digital tools like PhET simulations offer a promising approach to help students grasp complex concepts more easily. Using a quasi-experimental design, the study compares an experimental group, which used PhET simulations, with a control group that followed traditional teaching methods. The study analyzed pre-test and post-test scores to assess the impact of the simulations on student learning. The results show a significant improvement in the experimental group's performance, with post-test scores noticeably higher than pre-test scores. Statistical analysis, including paired sample t-tests, confirmed that PhET simulations significantly enhanced students' problem-solving skills and understanding of physics concepts (t = -17.329, p < 0.05). These findings highlight the effectiveness of PhET simulations, combined with an inquiry-based learning approach, in fostering a deeper understanding of abstract physics concepts and promoting critical thinking. Overall, this study supports the use of PhET simulations as a practical and accessible tool for improving physics education, even in schools with limited technological resources.
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