ジャカルタ国立大学の日本語学科における 2014-2015 の学年の大学 生に対して日本語の謝罪の発話行為の使用分析

  • Purwanti
  • Febryan Hadinata
Keywords: strategy communication, speech act of apologize, misunderstanding


If someone says "sorry" that means the person is doing "speech act of apologize". Speech
act of apologize are needed in everyday life in order to facilitate communication and
harmony in life. Apologizing in Japanese are divided into some part, we called as strategy
communication. They are the beginning of conversation, explaining the reason, apologizing
and closing of conversation. We need use the strategy communication when apologizing to
avoid the mistake and misunderstanding between speaker and partner. I hope that people
who are studying Japanese can use strategy of speech act of apologize in Japanese properly.


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