• Annisa Angraini Uniiversitas Negeri Jakarta
  • Nia Setiawati Uniiversitas Negeri Jakarta
  • Viana Meilani Prasetio Uniiversitas Negeri Jakarta


This research is an experiment research for study model in jigsaw co-operative
learning effectivity. The sample research is second grade academic years
2013/2014 students in dokkai II subject. Based on the result, gaining the average
of study result in post test with the average value is 7,65 point at experiment class
and 8,26 point at control class. therefore is 0,86 point. Moreover, is
smaller than , so Hk is unaccepted. Thus, in dokkai II subject was
uneffective on co-operative learning in jigsaw method. Because the students
attend three classes before dokkai II class from 14.20, students feel saturated,
worn out and unconcentration. wherefor those few factor comprehensive analysis
is too less on expert group student, random group student can’t explained crearly
on their own group. Furthermore, the control class teacher always use discourse
lecture, the students are accustomed to a class like that. Then study method in that
control class is reading together and interpreting each sentences of the reading
contents. wherefore, student’s mind set is equal and unattracted of some debate,
and then students understand more about the reading contents, discussing together


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