
  • Reinaldy T Y Darius Universitas Negeri Jakarta
  • Tri Mulyono Universitas Negeri Jakarta
  • Winoto Hadi Universitas Negeri Jakarta




jalan raya bogor, cisalak market, side friction, level of service, road capacity


This research is a analysis of capacity and level of service at Jalan Raya Bogor segment Cisalak Market in existing condition with a purpose to optimize it based on rule that already assigned in Highway Capacity Manual (MKJI) year 1997. The result of analysis showed that capacity of Jalan Raya Bogor segment Cisalak Market can be optimize, from 3307 smp/hour to Jakarta become 3596,36 smp/hour. The direction to Bogor also having incresement from 2696,52 smp/hour become 3329,04 smp/hour.The degree of saturation and level of service direction to Jakarta can be upgraded from 0,47 (C) become 0,43 (B) at Sunday morning if its does not affect by the activity of the market, also in Monday morning which is restrained in LoS E with Ds 0,85 become 0,79 or in LoS D and in Monday afternoon with LoS D (0,76) become C (0,69). Meanwhile direction to Bogor can be upgraded in Saturday afternoon from LoS C (0,61) become B with the number of Ds 0,49, then in Sunday morning and afternoon also Monday morning respectively can be upgraded from C to B. Last, in Monday afternoon into LoS C with number of degree of saturation is 0,62 from LoS D with 0,76.


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