• Fadhel Amri Aji Universitas Negeri Jakarta
  • Arris Maulana Universitas Negeri Jakarta
  • Rosmawita Saleh Universitas Negeri Jakarta
Keywords: Flood, Item River, Waste Management, Sedimentation, Pump House


The purpose of this research to review the Item Sunter River which has been normalized as flood control in Central Jakarta. This research was conducted to determine the causes of flooding due to the overflow of the Item Sunter River that occurred in 2020. The review was carried out by analyzing the flood discharge of the Item River plan with the calculation of the planned flood discharge using the Nakayasu Synthesis Unit Hydrograph method for the return periods of 2, 5, 10, 25, and 50 years respectively of 88.44 m3/s, 116.52 m3/s, 137.85 m3/s, 168.39 m3/s, and 193.22 m3/s compared to the calculation of river flow rate using the Manning equation of 205.94 m3/s. The calculation result shows that the river flow discharge is still sufficient for the planned flood discharge. Then a further analysis is carried out on the factors of waste management, sedimentation, and pump house readiness. The results of the analysis show that the accumulation of garbage occurs in the river basin area, sedimentation is 20% of the flow capacity, and the pump house is inadequate due to flooding. Therefore, it is necessary to prevent and clean up rubbish in the river area, routine dredging of sedimentation, and maintenance of water pumps that must be on standby at all times.


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