Kualitas Produk Peralatan Pertanian Hasil Tempa Panas Pengrajin Pande Besi Melalui Penerapan Desain Dapur Perlakuan Panas Model Tutup

  • Djoko Andrijono Program Studi Teknik Mesin Fakultas Teknik Universitas Merdeka Malang
  • Sufiyanto Program Studi Teknik Mesin Fakultas Teknik Universitas Merdeka Malang
Keywords: kekerasan, dapur perlakuan panas, baja bekas, pengrajin pande besi



The problems encountered by artisan blacksmiths based on the field study results: unable to detect incineration temperature of wood charcoal in the crucibles, crusts occurrence on the metal surface of scrap component of spring leaf SUP 9 after heating process in the exposed model heating treatment. The solutions taken were by transforming the kitchen design, from exposed model heating treatment to closeted model heating treatment, which aimed to avoid oxidation on the incinerated metal, thus crusts do not occur on its surface. The kitchen wall of closeted model heating treatment was made from fireproof bricks, held heat resistance, and carried a stable thermal conductivity out of wood charcoal incineration. A digital thermocouple was installed in the closeted model heating treatment kitchen to accurately measure the temperature of wood charcoal incineration results. The closeted heating model treatment kitchen was designed portable. The solution methods applied field study and descriptive analysis. The study generated a result of sturdiness value with 18.8 HRC  average for hoe products was below the standard of sturdiness value according to SNI 02-0331-1989 and generated a result of kitchen wall of closeted model heating treatment made from red bricks with cement as the fastener could not stand the heat. The conclusion for the application of kitchen design of closeted model heating treatment were the sturdity values achieved 58 HRC with SAE 900 C as the cooling lube and the wear rate achieved 0.000165605 gram/m. This meant the wear resistance property was low which met the standard according to SNI 02-0331-1989.



Permasalahan pengrajin pande besi sesuai hasil studi lapangan: temperatur pembakaran arang kayu di dalam kowi tidak dapat dideteksi,  permukaan logam bekas komponen pegas daun SUP 9 timbul kerak setelah proses pemanasan di dalam dapur perlakuan panas model buka.  Metode pemecahannya melakukan  inovasi pada desain dapur perlakuan panas model buka dirubah menjadi desain dapur perlakuan panas model tutup yang bertujuan:  material logam yang dipanasi tidak teroksidasi, sehingga permukaan logam tidak timbul kerak, dinding dapur perlakuan panas model tutup terbuat dari bata tahan api, mempunyai sifat tahan panas serta konduktivitas panas hasil pembakaran arang kayu stabil,  dapur perlakuan panas model tutup dipasang termokopel digital agar temperatur hasil pembakaran arang kayu terukur dan akurat, dan dapur perlakuan panas model tutup dirancang dapat dipindah-pindah tempat. Metode pemecahannya menggunakan metode studi lapangan dan metode analisis deskriptif. Hasil-hasil temuan yang diperoleh angka kekerasan produk cangkul rata-rata  18,8 HRC masih di bawah angka kekerasan cangkul menurut SNI 02-0331-1989, dinding dapur perlakuan panas model buka terbuat bata merah dengan pengikat semen  tidak tahan panas. Simpulan dengan penerapan desain dapur perlakuan panas model tutup, angka kekerasan  mencapai 58 HRC dengan media pendinginan oli SAE 90 dan laju keausan 0.000165605 gram/m memenuhi SNI 02-0331-1989, sehingga sifat ketahanan ausnya rendah.
