• Nur Aeni Marta Prodi Pendidikan Sejarah FIS-UNJ
  • Djunaidi Universitas Negeri Jakarta, Indonesia
  • Sri Martini Universitas Negeri Jakarta, Indonesia
Keywords: Workshop Pengembangan Kompetensi Guru, Pembelajaran Inovatif, Kurikulum Merdeka, Teacher Competency Development Workshop, Innovative Learning


Teachers are guided by the curriculum in carrying out their duties in the field of education. In Indonesia, the current curriculum is the Merdeka curriculum. However, there is no standard format in the independent curriculum. This of course challenges teachers who are still experiencing the transition process from the K-13 curriculum to the Merdeka curriculum, especially Pattimura Jagakarsa Junior High School. For this reason, teachers need to improve their competence so that they can adapt to the dynamics of the world of education. The purpose of this service activity is to improve teacher competence so that learning activities can run effectively. This competency improvement was carried out through a two-day workshop with speakers from UNJ academics. The methods used are lectures, self-study, discussions, simulations, and questions and answers. The result is that 45% of teachers understand the planning and implementation of learning in the Merdeka curriculum, 32% of teachers understand enough, 23% of teachers still really need assistance. The trainees (teachers) are also able to make creative, interesting and innovative electronic modules. This indicates that the competence of the teachers has increased and they are ready to implement the Free Learning curriculum at  Pattimura High School Jagakarsa.



Guru berpedoman pada kurikulum dalam menjalankan tugasnya di bidang pendidikan. Di Indonesia, kurikulum yang berlaku saat ini adalah kurikulum Merdeka. Namun, tidak ada format yang baku pada kurikulum merdeka. Hal ini tentu menyulitkan para guru yang masih mengalami proses transisi dari kurikulum K-13 ke kurikulum Merdeka, khususnya Sekolah Menengah Pertama (SMP) Pattimura Jagakarsa. Untuk itu, guru perlu meningkatkan kompetensinya agar dapat beradaptasi dengan dinamika dunia pendidikan. Tujuan kegiatan pengabdian ini untuk meningkatkan kompetensi guru sehingga kegiatan pembelajaran dapat berjalan secara efektif. Peningkatan kompetensi ini dilakukan dengan workshop yang dilaksanakan selama dua hari dengan narasumber dari akademisi UNJ. Metode yang dilakukan  adalah lecturing, independent self study, diskusi, simulasi, dan Q&A. Hasilnya 45% guru telah memahami perencanaan dan implementasi pembelajaran pada kurikulum Merdeka, 32% guru cukup memahami, 23% guru masih sangat butuh pendampingan. Para guru sekaligus peserta pelatihan juga mampu membuat modul elektronik yang kreatif, menarik, dan inovatif.  Hal tersebut menandakan kompetensi para guru meningkat dan siap menerapkan kurikulum Merdeka Belajar di SMP Pattimura Jagakarsa.
