Pendampingan Analisis Potensi Wisata Alam di Desa Medalsari, Kecamatan Pangkalan, Kabupaten Karawang Jawa Barat
wisata budaya, pariwisata, desa wisataAbstract
Medalsari Village is located in Base District, Karawang Regency which has the potential to
become a tourist destination, one of which is natural tourism with a waterfall called Green
Canyon. The main problem faced is the lack of optimal management of natural tourism and
the lack of awareness of local park tourism activists about the innate potential possessed by
Medalsari Village. The purpose of this service is to identify and analyse the natural tourism
potential of Medalsari Village and how the direction of its development, using the method of
observing natural tourism sites, conducting interviews and FGDs with local tourism activists to
obtain data used as SWOT analysis material on natural tourism potential so that local tourism
activists, Medalsari Village government understand the concept of natural tourism potential
and its development. The results of the assistance illustrate that Medalsari Village has natural
tourism potential, there are waterfalls and rivers, but it has yet to be maximised in developing
these potentials. Using SWOT analysis, we know the potential, opportunities and challenges
that must be done in developing natural tourism in Medalsari Village.
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