Kerjasama Guru dan Orangtua dalam Pembinaan Karakter SiswA di SD Negeri 0503 Parsombaan

  • Sutan Botung Hasibuan STAI Barumun Raya Sibuhuan


Collaboration between teachers and parents is very important in building student character. Cooperation through communication and attention to students helps achieve the expected goals in character building. The purpose of this study is to describe the form of teacher and parent collaboration in building the character of students at Elementary School 0503 Parsombaan. The method used is descriptive qualitative. As for data collection using observation techniques, interviews, and documentation. The results of this study showed that the collaboration between teachers and parents in building the character of students at Elementary School 0503 Parsombaan was going well, seen from the meetings with parents on the day of admitting new students, holding correspondence between school and family. So that parents of students can remind children to repeat lessons at home and to do worship such as prayer. So the teacher is easier to deal with children, because they already know where the weaknesses and mistakes are, and the teacher can know the background and personal characteristics of the child, so that it is easier to solve children's problems in learning.
