About the Journal

The SPEKTRA: Jurnal Fisika dan Aplikasinya is dedicated to all physics practitioners. The coverage of SPEKTRA includes: Instrumentation and Computational Physics, Material Physics, Medical Physics and Biophysics, Astrophysics, Theoretical Physics, Particle and Nuclear Physics, Environment Physics, Renewable Energy, and other fields related to the application of physics.

SPEKTRA publishes all its articles in full open access format. The scientific community and the general public have, for free, unlimited and immediate access to all content published in SPEKTRA as soon as it is published on the Internet. This means that SPEKTRA does not receive any income from selling subscriptions to print or view online versions of its journals or from charging "pay-per-view" fees. Therefore, SPEKTRA needs to defray its editorial and production costs by collecting article processing charges (APCs) from authors' institutes or research funding bodies. The value of SPEKTRA article processing charges (APCs) is $ 120.00 or equivalent to IDR 1,500,000.00. The APCs covers editorial services and production of an article. Submission to SPEKTRA is free of charge. APCs are paid when the editor states that the articles are accepted for processing to the next process. 

The first SPEKTRA is published in 2007 with an old p-ISSN on the website http://js-unj.ac.id. Starting in 2016, SPEKTRA has new e-ISSN and now published on page  http://journal.unj.ac.id/unj/index.php/spektra and under the supervision of LPPM UNJ.